Posts by matthewsnyder
I like how Guix sounds based on what I've read, and I want to try it. However, my partitioning scheme is a bit complicated. With Guix it appears like my biggest concern is hardware (I will regretta...
On Arch Linux, I installed albert (from AUR) and picom as the compositor. I am using i3 as the window manager. When I bring up the albert window, it is surrounded by the ghost of a window in the b...
Git is a very good way to sync dotfiles. There are other sync methods, but git also gives you version control, which is the other crucial part of the dotfile approach. Dealing with secrets in git ...
Airflow is a distributed workflow manager intended for complex cloud computing use. However, it can be used to run tasks locally. You can run Airflow in single-node mode, with LocalExecutor, and w...
What switches do I need to add to see my video RAM (VRAM) with inxi? inxi -G shows my video card model and other info, but not video RAM.
There's three parts to this: Find all directories (in your case, sounds like you want depth=3 only) Print the top 3 files in a single directory Apply 2 to each in 1 1 should be a separate q...
I found a partial fix. You have to run: sudo nvidia-ctk cdi generate --output=/etc/cdi/nvidia.yaml After this, podman is able to run it: sudo podman run --rm --device ubuntu...
That sounds like bad design on the developers' part. There are many unavoidable ways a program may be terminated unexpectedly: Killed by an OOM killer Program crash Terminated by virus OS cra...
There is not a way to do this from the Web UI (LuCI). Instead: SSH into the router Delete the corresponding line from /tmp/dhcp.leases However, note that this is not enough to get a new IP. ...
I am testing some DHCP stuff, and I want to manually end a lease so I don't have to wait hours for them to expire. How can I do this with OpenWrt?
I am trying to run a DNS server on my LAN. I set it up where: Dnsmasq is the "initial" server that clients see Dnsmasq resolves internal domains, and handles overrides (such as if I want to blo...
This won't be an exact answer. I think with the way it's described, there could be many reasons why the issue manifests. However, the good news is that the live ISO works, therefore the problem is ...
For some time pacman used to have a problem where: Occasionally Arch maintainers introduce new GPG keys They start signing packages with the keys Your local pacman doesn't receive these until ...
I'll post this as an example of what I'm looking to do. The following script: import sys a = b = a.strip() c = map(lambda s: s.strip(), b.splitlines()) for s in c: p...
I was able to make this work with: bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id wpctl set-volume -l 1 @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%+ bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec --no-startup-id wpctl set-vol...
There are three options. I will list them from least practical to most, because I don't want people to stop reading halfway through :) Parse ssh-agent output with your custom script and re-print...
SSH agent prints some envar commands for sourcing in a shell. However, these are bash-style, and I use fish. Fish barfs at the bash syntax. How can I fix it?
After some digging, I was able to figure out the problem. I actually have multiple keys. In Kwallet, I noticed that one of them has the wrong passphrase. So looks like I put the passphrase of Key X...
I have my key added to ssh-agent and they show up in ssh-add -l. When I try to actually SSH to a host that requires the key, I still get prompted for a password. I enter it again and again and it s...
How do you securely erase data from a thumb (USB/flash) drive? With traditional (magnetic/spinny) hard drives, it used to be that you could use various tools to simply overwrite with random data, ...
I have a script that does git fetch for a repository. When I run this in my shell it works fine. I want to run it in a systemd user unit. However, I am using an SSH url, and the systemd unit fails...
I am running X on Arch Linux without a desktop environment, only i3. Sometimes I need to switch between typing in different languages. How do I switch my keyboard layout?
This appears to be set by the option unlock_time in /etc/security/faillock.conf.
When I enter the login password incorrectly 3 times, my computer locks me out from attempting a login for 10 minutes. How can I change the timeout?
Vim has multiple "registers", which in modern parlance is multiple internal clipboards. By default, yank sends to an anonymous register, which is separate from the clipboard. However, you can make...