Posts by matthewsnyder
I have a crappy USB hub. I connect some devices to this, like a USB microphone, which don't matter at all until I've booted successfully. Sometimes these devices cause an issue and my boot gets stu...
I installed Grub in the normal way and now I have entries in the Grub menu for linux, linux-lts, and the fallback versions of them. I want to add more entries to this. For example, I want to add l...
I want to install additional Linux distributions on my computer, so I can try some new ones and see if they're better than my current ("old") one. I've been using my current distro for a while. I'...
I think there are three general strategies: Take notes. Configure everything through some utility that keeps track of it. Learn the default state and diff the system vs. it. Taking notes ...
Suppose I have a command that prints to the standard output, like: $ echo hi hi How can I send this to the clipboard instead, as if I selected the output and did Ctrl+C?
I saw another post recommend using Fedora if you want cutting edge features. Is Fedora really a "cutting edge" distro? I am not very familiar with Fedora, I know it's a community counterpart to R...
I've heard people say that Linux is a misnomer. Supposedly, the operating system is not Linux, Linux is just a part of it called a kernel, and the operating system should be called something else. ...
It sounds like what you want is: There is a program installed in the regular OS on my hard drive, but I am booted into a live OS. How do I run that program? The common way to do this is to us...
My thoughts on the matter are clear from the question, but I'll add some example topics that could be covered by this "basics compendium": A "curriculum" of sorts that lists all the basic topics...
I have a systemd unit that runs hourly, but when the computer has just booted/logged in it will "catch up" on the previous run, so it ends up firing right after I log in. Is there a way to make it...
A lot of games are made for Windows, and don't have an official Linux version. Can you play these on Linux? Asking specifically about games, not all programs, because games have a lot of additiona...
How do I make my computer request a new IP from DHCP? I am using Arch with NetworkManager.
When I enter the login password incorrectly 3 times, my computer locks me out from attempting a login for 10 minutes. How can I increase the number of attempts?
I tried to think of some for a while, but couldn't find any good ones. That said, there's plenty of programs I don't know. For reference: $ echo -en "hello\nworld" | tee 1.txt | bat -A ───────┬──...
I run Windows games with Wine, and use bwrap to sandbox them. I've noticed that passing --unshare-net to disable the network breaks many, many games (they fail to start with no obvious error messag...
MySQL is not fully open source and maintained by a corporation which was at one time regarded as very evil (there are much worse ones now). Debian is trying to protect you from yourself by not lett...
Certtool from GnuTLS can do this: certtool --certificate-info --infile=server.crt
Yes, you can run most Windows games on Linux through Wine. There are some specific caveats when using Wine, such as sandboxing (security), the choice of runner, drivers, video, controllers (gamepad...
Suppose I want to get random numbers from /dev/random with basic CLI tools. Is there a way to do it, that's easier to type and read than python -c 'import random; print(100 + 200*random.random())'?...
Gnome should have a Settings app with a Keyboard shortcut section. Here you can click Add Custom Shortcut which will let you bind any key to any shell-style command. source Unless you are very sur...
The ancient utility find should come installed on the majority of distributions. Technically, find recursively locates all files and directories under a path, and prints their full paths. It is of ...
How can I search for files on my system? Ideally, I would like to search by various criteria, like date, name, extension, etc.
Restarting NetworkManager should be enough: sudo systemctl restart NetworkManger
What is the simplest shell idiom for stripping leading and trailing whitespace from a file or program output? Ideally I am looking for the equivalent of trim or strip methods in some languages. Th...
My keyboard has keys for mute, volume up, volume down. In i3wm, I used to have these bound with: bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pulsemixer --change-volume +10 --max-volume 100 ...