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802 posts
+13 −0
Q&A Which Linux system to use?

Beginners should always start with a Linux that people around them are using. If they have friends using Red Hat, they should use Red Hat. If they have a local users' group with lots of Ubuntu user...

posted 3y ago by dsr‭

+12 −0
Q&A How to give password in shell script?

That's my bash script. Actually, no, it isn't. Assuming for a second that the shebang line is #!/bin/sh (not #!bin/sh as you have it in the question), it's a sh shell script, not a bash shell ...

posted 3y ago by Canina‭  ·  edited 3y ago by Canina‭

+12 −0
Q&A Run a command *later*

The traditional way on a *nix system to run a one-time command at some specified future time is at. $ at 'now + 10 minutes' at Wed Aug 23 19:00:00 2023 at> date >> ~/current-time at&gt...

posted 1y ago by Canina‭  ·  edited 1y ago by Canina‭

+12 −0
Q&A How to get number of files in directory

There are several ways that I can think of, depending on how correct you need the answer to be, particularly in exotic situations, and exactly what you want to count. If you know that you don't ha...

posted 2y ago by Canina‭  ·  edited 2y ago by Canina‭

+11 −0
Q&A In a bash shell script, how to filter the command line argument list to unique entries only, for processing each?

I have a handful of shell scripts that accept any number of command line arguments, then do some relatively expensive processing based on each command line argument in turn. The general format for ...

3 answers  ·  posted 3y ago by Canina‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by Quasímodo‭

+11 −0
Q&A Run a command *later*

Using systemd timers is too much work? Not with systemd-run! systemd-run --user --on-active=10min some_cmd

posted 1y ago by r~~‭

+10 −0
Q&A How do I find out the version of a program in a terminal?

Many programs have a --version option, so that's the first thing I try when I need to find this out. If that doesn't work, --help usually produces a full list of options, so if version info is pro...

posted 10mo ago by Monica Cellio‭  ·  edited 10mo ago by Monica Cellio‭

+9 −0
Meta How can we grow this community?

Codidact's communities have a lot of great content that is helping people on the Internet. Our communities are small, though, and sustainable communities depend on having lots of active, engaged p...

5 answers  ·  posted 3y ago by Monica Cellio‭  ·  last activity 11mo ago by JohnRando‭

+9 −0
Q&A What are phased updates, and why does Ubuntu use them?

So I ran into that weird "packages being held back" problem while updating my system using apt. After some research, it appears to be the result of "phased updates". What are phased updates, any...

1 answer  ·  posted 2y ago by ArrayBolt3‭  ·  last activity 2y ago by ArrayBolt3‭

Question apt updates
+9 −0
Meta How can we grow this community?

Firstly, as an official Ubuntu Member who frequents the tech support IRC channels, I think I can help with getting more activity here. One of the most recent "whoa what happened here" events in th...

posted 2y ago by ArrayBolt3‭

+9 −0
Q&A A shell script that can run under different shells

I'm not familiar with zsh, but it seems to me that your problem here is that the syntax for for loops is different in bash and zsh, which throws bash off as it tries to interpret your script, finds...

posted 3y ago by Canina‭

+9 −0
Meta Welcome to Linux Systems!

Welcome to the Codidact community for Linux Systems! We're glad you're here and we're excited to see what you will build. This community is starting "from scratch", without importing Q&A from...

0 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by Monica Cellio‭

+9 −0
Q&A Documentation for double asterisk glob expansion

The ** pattern is an extension to, not a part of, the POSIX glob syntax. While it has emerged as an informal standard, AFAIK there is no single standard to reference to describe what it does. This...

posted 1y ago by r~~‭

+9 −0
Q&A Adding Python 3.11 to `$PATH`

There are two possible issues that I can see. First, as already brought up in a comment thread, it appears that the export command you added in your .bashrc is missing a final ". This should cause...

posted 2y ago by Canina‭

+8 −0
Q&A Are there any legitimate uses for newlines in filenames?

Unix is very permissive with filenames, and this can sometimes lead to a bunch of annoying corner cases when printing files. A well known example is when you put a newline in a filename, and it bre...

2 answers  ·  posted 2y ago by matthewsnyder‭  ·  last activity 2y ago by terdon‭

Question filesystem
+8 −0
Q&A How do I view fonts?

In GNOME, gnome-font-viewer does this.

posted 2y ago by r~~‭

+8 −0
Meta Should posting on Meta affect reputation?

Although my reputation would shrink substantially if that change were implemented ;) , I think it is the right choice to prevent votes on meta from affecting the reputation. The reason is that the...

posted 1y ago by AdminBee‭  ·  edited 1y ago by AdminBee‭

+8 −0
Q&A In a bash shell script, how to filter the command line argument list to unique entries only, for processing each?

Bash Here Bash's associative arrays come handy. The idea is to put every argument as a key in a separate array, and then only process arguments that are not keys to that array. #!/bin/bash decla...

posted 3y ago by Quasímodo‭  ·  edited 3y ago by Quasímodo‭

+8 −0
Q&A What are phased updates, and why does Ubuntu use them?

What are phased updates? Phased updates are software updates that are gradually rolled out to users rather than all users getting the updates at the same time. In an update system that doesn't use...

posted 2y ago by ArrayBolt3‭

+8 −0
Q&A Ergonomic way to search man pages

Unix systems are made out of many small tools that focus on specific tasks but are general enough that the investment made in learning their specific switches and hotkeys pays off over many applica...

posted 1y ago by r~~‭  ·  edited 1y ago by r~~‭

+7 −0
Meta How can we grow this community?

TL;DR: The problem is not with stuff on the platform that needs fixing. The problem is that the platform appears dead. I'm still at the "old" platform, and a moderator on a tiny site (Arts & C...

posted 2y ago by fixer1234‭  ·  edited 2y ago by fixer1234‭

+7 −0
Q&A Recursively remove files with the same name as the ones that end in `.part`

It is incorrect for two reasons. 1. File names containing glob characters This is an edge case scenario. Consider this structure: . ├── abc ├── abc.part ├── cde └── c*e.part The outermos...

posted 2y ago by Quasímodo‭  ·  edited 2y ago by Quasímodo‭

+7 −0
Q&A How to convert PDF to docx

Pdf is one of the most unsuitable file formats to use as a starting point for converting it to docx. A pdf by itself is pretty much "dumb", it knows the position of letters etc, but not much more. ...

posted 2y ago by samcarter‭  ·  edited 2y ago by samcarter‭

+7 −0
Q&A What unexpected things can happen if a user runs commands expecting a text file on input lacking a file-final newline?

It is often taught that in Unix/Linux text files should end with newline characters. The reason given (orally) to me by various sources was that "some commands (such as wc) assume or require a newl...

3 answers  ·  posted 1y ago by Lover of Structure‭  ·  last activity 11mo ago by mirabilos‭

+7 −0
Q&A Find path to an executable

which only tells you about a path that would be found in PATH. Often, people who think they have this question have a more general question - i.e., what will be used when the named command is reque...

posted 7mo ago by Karl Knechtel‭
