Posts by matthewsnyder
When I boot my computer, I want the sound to start out muted, even if it wasn't before. For bonus points: It should also reduce volume to 0% This should also happen when coming out of hibernat...
For certain GPU-accelerated tasks, such as Docker containers using GPU, I need to run the following on every boot: sudo nvidia-ctk cdi generate --output /var/run/cdi/nvidia.yaml Without this, G...
Thanks to the comments, I was able to determine that it is in fact working, I just wasn't looking in the right place for output. For anyone else with the same/similar issue, start watching the cor...
I agree with other answers: Normal TUI way is ncdu Normal CLI way is du Normal GUI way is Baobab aka "Gnome Disk Usage Analyzer" and the like But just for fun, you can build a pipeline such...
I want to run programs foo and bar with supervisord. Both programs produce a continuous stream of occasional output (stdout and stderr) as they run. When I run supervisor with nodaemon=true, I wan...
inxi -G will show this. $ inxi -G Graphics: Device-1: NVIDIA GP107 [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti] driver: nvidia v: 460.39 Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 1.20.10 driver: X: loaded: nvidia reso...
Objectively, the most accurate way would be to actually count the lines. So you would do wc on each file and add them up. This ends up being not a very useful statistic, because it is sensitive to...
What command can be used to download the TLS certificate of a site such as
I use pipewire. When I list devices with pactl, I see some ugly values. Some of these I changed in the past, but forgot how. I want to change some more. How?
It seems like systemd labels every boot with some ID. Suppose I have some sporadic issue that happens only on some boots. I want to search logs for only the boots that have the issue, not all boot...
Currently I set my wallpaper by having a call to feh in my i3 config. This does set the wallpaper, but it seems buggy. Whenever my monitor configuration changes, the wallpaper gets moved partially ...
After many years of using Arch, and many applications, my home directory is completely cluttered with junk. Of course, much of this is useful and needed for the normal operation of programs. For ex...
This doesn't really answer the question as posed, but IMO it's a useful footnote: If the primary interest is to monitor GPU usage specifically during a 3D application that uses Vulkan, MangoHud ca...
I can't answer this question fully, but I'll try my best. A reasonably comprehensive list of non-systemd distros can be found at There might be some which are not on that l...
Suppose you have two Linux distributions installed in a dual boot situation. One issue that can happen is when you need to frequently switch. Rebooting is disruptive if you have a bunch of things ...
Ever since systemd was adopted by mainstream distros, there's been many reactive projects aiming to provide a distro without systemd. I've often had the impression that a lot of these were motivat...
Suppose you currently use the partition /dev/sda1 for everything, and you create a new partition /dev/sda2 to use for /home. It doesn't matter if the partition is on a different physical drive, sam...
I added IdleAction=hibernate IdleActionSec=30min To my bat /etc/systemd/logind.conf. Then I waited 31 min, but nothing happened. It didn't hibernate. Presumably, the config changes are not loa...
You can use Wine, or a VM. With a VM, it's pretty straightforward - install Windows in the VM, and then run the program as you would normally inside the VM. With Wine, the "basic" way (which you s...
Occasionally I ask how to do some configuration, and people tell me to do stuff like edit some config file in an XYZ directory. But if I configure everything this way, it will turn into a mess, and...
I have a TLS certificate, let's say codidact.pem (downloaded as in But when I view it the file it appears to be base64 encoded: $ cat...
I noticed that downloading all the pacman packages for a full system install takes a lot of time, so I want to create a systemd time that will periodically download them for me. That way, most of t...
Windows packages all of its API functions into DLLs, so when you have a program that relies on calls to X, Y and Z you must ensure that you have the correct set of DLLs that provide all of those. T...
Although you have left a post saying it is solved, I think it's not uncommon for this kind of problem to show up. I think it can happen due to misconfiguration of either NM or the network drivers/h...
This can be done with Wine Bottles. Install flatpak from your package manager. Install Bottles from Flatpak (may show up as Discover (Software Center)) May take a while, because it has many ...