Posts by matthewsnyder
tl;dr: Find the .desktop file that you are currently running It is probably in a system location, so copy it to a user location Modify the file contents The normal way to create icons for...
Yes, you can run most Windows games on Linux through Wine. There are some specific caveats when using Wine, such as sandboxing (security), the choice of runner, drivers, video, controllers (gamepad...
If I run journalctl --list-boots I get a list of my previous boots. How can I tell which ones of these were resumes from hibernate, and which were booting "from scratch"? I want to do this becaus...
How do I find all actual files (not devices, sockets, etc) on my system that are: Not part of a package Not under /home (I assume that packages are supposed to never put files there) on Arch...
There is a popular partitioning scheme, described in the Arch wiki as LVM on LUKS. The meat of this is: /boot is its own unencrypted partition The rest of the drive is a giant LUKS partition I...
If the program was installed with your package manager, the package manager should be able to tell you that. For example: $ pacman --query bash bash 5.2.026-2 If you don't know the package n...
When I view my document camera's feed in guvcview it is in landscape mode. I want it to capture things in portrait mode, since I usually take photos of documents. Currently, I have to rotate all t...
On Linux, the basic way to run every program is to invoke it through a terminal. The shortcuts in DEs come from ".desktop" files. On a Linux system, there are a couple of directories (system wide,...
My DE has a bunch of programs in the start/applications menu. How can I add my own in there? For example, say I found a terminal command foo --bar --baz that does something I want. But I don't want...
When I create the initramfs, I sometimes see messages like: ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: 'xhci_pci' I get many for different modules. What do they mean? Should I in...
From the average user's perspective: Back in the day when people were figuring out how to do shells, there were as many shell syntaxes as shells. Everyone made up their own little language to go w...
Suppose I want to get random numbers from /dev/random with basic CLI tools. Is there a way to do it, that's easier to type and read than python -c 'import random; print(100 + 200*random.random())'?...
Wine has options for "Synchronization", like "Esync" or "Fsync". What do these actually do? What is the purpose of such an option? What is the impact to normal usage of a Windows program in Wine?
The ancient utility find should come installed on the majority of distributions. Technically, find recursively locates all files and directories under a path, and prints their full paths. It is of ...
How can I search for files on my system? Ideally, I would like to search by various criteria, like date, name, extension, etc.
Restarting NetworkManager should be enough: sudo systemctl restart NetworkManger
I have some bookmarked folders in GtkFileChooserDialog. I want to add these to my dotfiles. Where are the bookmarks stored?
How can I run a command later? I'm looking for a CLI way to schedule a command to be run later. I know that I could create a systemd timer, install it, activate it... That is too much work. I want...
I have an image (a photo) and I want to highlight certain parts of this. I want to do this from the CLI. I am planning to store the pixel coordinates of polygon vertices in a file, and when I run ...
I was looking into unlocking my login after too many incorrect password attempts. I found this post about it. Doing faillock -user $(whoami) --reset did indeed unlock the login. However, what exac...
I want to have a local DNS server on my home LAN, say at All of my machines will use as their only DNS server when connected to my home network. By default, my DNS ser...
What is the simplest shell idiom for stripping leading and trailing whitespace from a file or program output? Ideally I am looking for the equivalent of trim or strip methods in some languages. Th...
My keyboard has keys for mute, volume up, volume down. In i3wm, I used to have these bound with: bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pulsemixer --change-volume +10 --max-volume 100 ...
I see that this is self-answered, but I disagree that the answer provided is the best way. The best way is to properly utilize the Unix philosophy, by decomposing the problem into simpler sub-probl...
The basis of the Unix philosophy is to decompose complex tasks into simple sub-tasks, so that one can easily choose a combination of simple Unix tools to solve the problem in an intuitive way. Oft...