Where did xterm's ctrl-middle-mouse-button menu go?
I'm using xterm version 395-1, on Arch Linux, with i3 window manager. I like xterm because it's fast, and I can configure things like "what characters are in a word when you double click on a word", "triple-click goes from work to end-of-line". I probably won't abandon xterm any time soon. However!
Sometime in the last year or so, the ctrl-middle-mouse-button menu quit showing up. I'm not entirely certain when it quit showing up, but I miss it. Important things like "reset" and "dump all history" were on that menu, and do not appear in ctrl-left-mouse-button or ctrl-right-mouse-button menus.
How do I get this menu back?
1 answer
To map it to Ctrl+Backspace you can add
XTerm*vt100.translations: #override\
Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> BackSpace :popup-menu(vtMenu)
to your Xresources file and reload the X resource database:
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
The name of the file does not matter. You can find the a X keysym (BackSpace in my example) by running xev
and then pressing the desired key.
On my side the menu does not go away until something in it is clicked though. Couldn't find a fix for that (tried using KeyPress for the action and mapping KeyRelease to redraw() or other functions to no avail).
No idea what happened there, I too remember using that menu on Ctrl+Button2. I do see for a glimpse the menu box being mapped with that shortcut, but that's all.
You can see in man xterm
that the translation (i.e. keyboard shortcut) is still there:
!Ctrl <Btn2Down>:popup-menu(vtMenu) \n\
I'd file a bug report. Let us know if you do.
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