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To map it to Ctrl+Backspace you can add XTerm*vt100.translations: #override\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> BackSpace :popup-menu(vtMenu) to your Xresources file and reload the X resource ...
#1: Initial revision
To map it to Ctrl+Backspace you can add ``` XTerm*vt100.translations: #override\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> BackSpace :popup-menu(vtMenu) ``` to your Xresources file and reload the X resource database: xrdb $HOME/.Xresources The name of the file does not matter. You can find the a X keysym (BackSpace in my example) by running `xev` and then pressing the desired key. On my side the menu does not go away until something in it is clicked though. Couldn't find a fix for that (tried using KeyPress for the action and mapping KeyRelease to redraw() or other functions to no avail). ---- No idea what happened there, I too remember using that menu on Ctrl+Button2. I do see for a glimpse the menu box being mapped with that shortcut, but that's all. You can see in `man xterm` that the translation (i.e. keyboard shortcut) is still there: !Ctrl <Btn2Down>:popup-menu(vtMenu) \n\ I'd file a bug report. Let us know if you do.