Monitor computer temperatures
How do I read computer temperatures from my desktop in PopOS? Is there a terminal command, DE extension or GUI application that I can use for the purpose? The UEFI reports CPU, CPU case and motherboard temperatures, although not the GPU temperature. I'd like to see all these from the desktop, such that I can monitor them while using the computer.
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The Linux kernel exposes that via the Thermal Sysfs. You can then print the temperatures with
cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp
You are better off, however, using tools that collate sensors' information. The typical tool is sensors
from the lm-sensors package, but better for visualization is a GUI such as psensor.
The description of each sensor is often not quite clear though. Reading from some other sources (1 2), in general that depends on the manufacturer and installed driver for the corresponding sensors, so it might be worth it checking the manufacturer's resources if you want a cleaner result — but it is likely going to be non-free software.
Lenovo, for instance, has a "Lenovo Diagnostic" tool; In section '5.6 Temperature Tool' of its manual you can see that the results are better broken down:
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