Posts by GeraldS
For a couple of days now I've been trying to edit this answer to include an example that was requested in the comments. Every time I try to edit it I'm presented with this: The expanded answer ...
If these requests are logged into a log file you can install fail2ban and configure it to act on these log entries. You can configure it to block the requests via the local firewall for a duration ...
You can use the pre-commit hook for this. Example .git/hooks/pre-commit: #!/usr/bin/bash git fetch if [ $(git status -sb |grep -c behind) -gt 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: local repo is beh...
If you don't mind installing something I recommend ncdu. It sorts the directories and files by size, you can exclude other mounts, navigate the tree directly and even delete files and folders as yo...
Login screen Check your login screen. Login Managers often give an option to select between different desktop environments. The last used entry is usually highlighted. It is possible that your ...
As a workaround, I had to uninstall pytest from the package manager and install it in the virtual environment. However, I would prefer to use the pytest from the package manager since it makes se...
You can use openssl to get the information. It is usually installed by default in every distribution. $ openssl s_client -connect -showcerts </dev/null | openssl x509 -text de...
A general overview: Log in as root directly, no sudo or su (you may need to activate it temporarily, depending on your distribution) or boot from a live system unmount /home and mount it somewh...
Of course, being a swiss army knife ffmpeg already has this capability builtin: ffmpeg -i Example.mp4 -vf "select=not(mod(n\,20)),scale=200:-1,tile=5x4:padding=2:color=white" -vsync 0 -frames:v 1 ...
You can use ExecStartPre= to delay the execution of the systemd unit. Use systemctl edit myunit.service to create a drop in file and add the following lines: [Service] ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 30...
I don't think you can. AFAIK the fn key behaviour is implemented in hardware, the OS is not aware if a key has been pressed with or without fn key. You can check for a BIOS setting, but I've never...
Open the Disks application. Select the secondary disk and partition, and in the gears menu click on Edit Mount Options... Uncheck User Session Defaults and uncheck Show in user interface. Opt...
Can I disable the ability of regular users to enable lingering in loginctl? By default every user on a systemd enabled Linux can run loginctl --enable-linger and have a personal systemd instance s...
bash does not support floating point operations, so at least for a short video $interval will always be 0. That way you always get the same frame, which by chance probably was black for your video....
You can find that when you run docker inspect $CONTAINER. You can automate this with a simple loop like this: for CONTAINER in $(docker ps -qa); do docker inspect $CONTAINER |grep -q $DIRNAME...
Some context menus in my KDE installation show the following problem: When the menu is opened it shows normally. But as soon as I move the cursor over the menu, it becomes transparent and whate...
By default modern Ubuntu versions run the service systemd-timesyncd in the background. It fetches the time at regular intervals and should automatically set your system time when an NTP server is r...
You can use openssl: openssl x509 -in server.crt -text
Not directly, no. The argument -b only accepts a single id and using it multiple times only results in the last one being used. You can however loop easily over the file and get the output of all ...
Permission wise you generally shouldn't have problems. Ownership in Linux/Unix uses numerical IDs, and on every major distribution the UIDs for regular users start at 1000, meaning the first user t...
I don't see any way to implement this. XenDesktop would have been the closest thing I can think of, but it's been discontinued years ago, and it involved VMs, which you don't want. It mapped hardw...
On Ubuntu and Debian (and their derivates) you can use the file /etc/grub.d/40_custom which is intended exactly for this: Content of /etc/grub.d/40_custom: #!/bin/sh exec tail -n +3 $0 # This f...
The unit does not support reloading, but restarting the service should do the trick. sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind
You can use openssl for that. openssl s_client -connect -showcerts </dev/null | openssl x509 > codidact.pem
ncdu does that. from ncdu --help: -o FILE Export scanned directory to FILE -f FILE Import scanned directory from FILE You can start it with any direc...