How to find big files and directories?
You've just run df -h
and are shocked how little disk space you got left. You'd like to find where all the space has gone.
How to find big(est) files and directories on your system? (So that you can try to free up space.)
3 answers
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If you don't mind installing something I recommend ncdu
. It sorts the directories and files by size, you can exclude other mounts, navigate the tree directly and even delete files and folders as you go.
ncdu 1.19 ~ Use the arrow keys to navigate, press ? for help
--- / --------------------------------------------------------------------------
14.4 GiB [###########] /home
8.3 GiB [###### ] /var
5.9 GiB [#### ] /usr
1.6 GiB [# ] /opt
180.6 MiB [ ] /boot
77.8 MiB [ ] /root
12.2 MiB [ ] /etc
6.6 MiB [ ] /tmp
3.6 MiB [ ] core
4.0 KiB [ ] /snap
0.0 B [ ] /media
0.0 B [ ] /mnt
@ 0.0 B [ ] initrd.img.old
@ 0.0 B [ ] initrd.img
@ 0.0 B [ ] vmlinuz.old
*Total disk usage: 30.5 GiB Apparent size: 29.2 GiB Items: 667060
There should be a package for it by default in every distribution.
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If you want to go with command-line tools, the first step might be to run a
du -h --max-depth=1 | sort -h -k 1 -r
in your root directory. This will give you a list of the sub-directories sorted by gross usage. You may then proceed by applying the same command inside the sub-directory identified as the "heaviest", to ultimately find the files that eat up all your storage space.
Note that for a "complete picture" you may need to do this with sudo
privileges to access directories that your regular user may not enter. Also keep in mind that there are limitations to the accuracy of disk usage reported by du
, as explained e.g. in the Wiki page.
If you want to go for a graphical tool, there is the QDirStat
project which will represent the individual files as tiles (with sizes proportional to their ... size).
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I agree with other answers:
- Normal TUI way is
- Normal CLI way is
- Normal GUI way is Baobab aka "Gnome Disk Usage Analyzer" and the like
But just for fun, you can build a pipeline such as the one below, which finds all files, then uses stat
to query their size and parallel
to parallelize it, and finally sort
and tail
to print the best one.
$ fd | pv | parallel 'echo $(stat -c %s {}) {}' | sort -h | tail -n 10
The performance of this is iffy, so I added pv for some progress info. pv doesn't know how many files there are until fd is done enumerating them, so it won't give % progress, only how much is done. You can convert byte sizes to human size with cut
and numfmt
This does give you more control over the specifics, such as if you want to look at only a certain subset of files. You can do that with du
as well, but this way you get to use more familiar generic tools rather than du
s specialized syntax.
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