Activity for mirabilos
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Edit | Post #291401 | Initial revision | — | 11 months ago |
Answer | — |
A: What unexpected things can happen if a user runs commands expecting a text file on input lacking a file-final newline? I’ve had some tools drop the last incomplete line on some OSes. For example: $ printf 'foo\nbar\nbaz' | sed 's/x/y/' foo bar $ I don’t recall which systems exactly these were, but I know I ran into it multiple times over the years, and POSIX allows this (I checked, it’s t... (more) |
— | 11 months ago |
Edit | Post #291400 | Initial revision | — | 11 months ago |
Answer | — |
A: <!nocheck> meaning in Build-Depends > So `` is the negation of ``. This is, unfortunately, not true: the negation is within the term. `!nocheck` is the negation of `nocheck` but both are build profile specs. The default is “no build profile”. This means anything that uses `` is ignored and anything that uses `` (or no `` at all) ... (more) |
— | 11 months ago |