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Login screen Check your login screen. Login Managers often give an option to select between different desktop environments. The last used entry is usually highlighted. It is possible that your ...
#2: Post edited
- ## Login screen
- Check your login screen. Login Managers often give an option to select between different desktop environments. The last used entry is usually highlighted.
It is possible that your Login Manager doesn't show such a selection if only one entry is available. The location can vary depending on the Login Manager used. If you have either more than one desktop environments installed or if your DE provides different options (some provide X11/Wayland/Failback options) it should be somewhere.
- ## Login screen
- Check your login screen. Login Managers often give an option to select between different desktop environments. The last used entry is usually highlighted.
- It is possible that your Login Manager doesn't show such a selection if only one entry is available. The location can vary depending on the Login Manager used. If you have either more than one desktop environments installed or if your DE provides different options (some provide X11/Wayland/Failback options) it should be somewhere (sometimes only after selecting the user to log in).
#1: Initial revision
## Login screen Check your login screen. Login Managers often give an option to select between different desktop environments. The last used entry is usually highlighted.  It is possible that your Login Manager doesn't show such a selection if only one entry is available. The location can vary depending on the Login Manager used. If you have either more than one desktop environments installed or if your DE provides different options (some provide X11/Wayland/Failback options) it should be somewhere.