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I am unable to create new tablespaces on a fresh Postgres 15.3 installation on Ubuntu 22.04. I tried the following so far: re-install Postgres fully loosen file system permission disabled SELi...
#1: Initial revision
Postgres 15.3 fails to create new tablespace (could not set permissions)
I am unable to create new tablespaces on a fresh Postgres 15.3 installation on Ubuntu 22.04. I tried the following so far: - re-install Postgres - fully loosen file system permission - disabled SELinux But still the postgres users reports it cannot set permissions on the tablespace folder. The log is below. ``` $ mkdir -p /media/user/Work/Databases/geo $ chown -R postgres:postgres /media/user/Work/Databases $ sudo chmod -R 777 /media/user/Work/Databases $ setenforce 0 setenforce: SELinux is disabled $ sestatus SELinux status: disabled $ sudo su postgres postgres@luis-workstation:/home/user$ psql could not change directory to "/home/user": Permission denied psql (15.3 (Ubuntu 15.3-1.pgdg22.04+1)) Type "help" for help. postgres=# CREATE TABLESPACE geo OWNER postgres LOCATION '/media/user/Work/Databases/geo'; ERROR: could not set permissions on directory "/media/user/Work/Databases/geo": Permission denied ```