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An article in the GTK blog explains the situation very well, but here is my go at it. In my keyboard layout, accents are handled as dead keys, so to insert "ë", first I type ¨ and then e. Nothing ...
#1: Initial revision
Disable transient symbols for compose and dead keys in GTK programs
[An article in the GTK blog][3] explains the situation very well, but here is my go at it. In my keyboard layout, accents are handled as [dead keys][2], so to insert "ë", first I type `¨` and then `e`. Nothing happens on the screen until the very last step, at which point `ë` is inserted. That, however, recently changed in all my GTK3 programs: An underlined meta-character is displayed when a dead key is pressed. E.g., when I type `¨`, I see an underlined diaeresis:  Of course, that transient character goes away once I complete the sequence by pressing `e`, but I find the new behavior confusing because for years I have been used not to see any character until after the key sequence was complete. Now it just looks like I have fat-fingered — not to mention some misbehavior that may occur in some programs when backspacing. The same happens when using a [compose sequences][1]. Thus the question: **How can I disable transient symbols for compose and dead keys and revert back to the good, old behavior?** [1]: [2]: [3]: