Who should the temporary moderators be?
As we have set up communities here on the Codidact network we've been appointing temporary moderators. Ultimately, of course, we want each community to choose its own moderators; we've been doing this as a stopgap, while communities are forming, so Codidact staff don't have to handle all the flags (some of which we might not understand because y'all are the experts, not us).
Rather than us just picking people, we'd like your input: who should these initial moderators be? I say "initial" -- the community should plan to do something more formal and permanent later, when it's larger, but in the meantime, we need a couple of people who are able to lead this community's early activity and take care of housekeeping.
What do moderators do? Aside from the community-leadership aspect already mentioned, on Codidact they:
handle flags
have all the tools -- close/reopen, delete/undelete, locks, user warnings/suspensions when needed (rare we hope), and more
create and edit help topics, so you have a place to put policies, guidance, etc
act as representatives of the community when requesting features from the Codidact team. There are some things, like creating new categories or changing configurable site settings, that require admin access. Mods are the people we want those requests to come from. (If it's something big, we'll ask you to show us community consensus, for example a well-received meta post.)
Moderators do not have access to users' PII. (I don't even have access to users' PII. We try to keep that locked down for everyone's safety.)
Please use answers here for nominations. You can nominate yourself or others -- one candidate per post. If someone nominates you, please edit or comment to indicate whether you'd accept the nomination, and feel free to add anything else about you that the community should know. We'd like to have at least two moderators; a moderator should always have a peer to check with on tricky matters or to defer to where there's conflict of interest.
Update: I have appointed Canina and Quasimodo as moderators. Thank you both for stepping up!
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Especially considering the limited apparent interest thus far, I'll throw my hat into the ring and see what happens.
I have previous moderator experience from elsewhere (am currently a moderator on Writing, Scientific Speculation and since just now also on Power Users Codidact; feel free to stop by, pull up a chair, maybe ask a question or answer one or two if you're in the mood), and have been using *nix systems (not just Linux-based) in various capacities and as primary environments for over two decades now. I can manage in Microsoft environments, but *nix is where I feel at home.
I also see a fair amount of scope overlap between the Power Users and Linux Codidact communities, so believe that the two sharing at least one moderator could be beneficial.
Other than that, I'll let my history here do most of the talking.
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I would like to also nominate
Although the community doesn't have a lot of content yet, Quasímodo has contributed generally well-received content on several subject matters (both as questions and as answers) so appears to have subject matter expertise; has been active in commenting and suggesting improvements to posts; and, as far as I have seen, has always done so with a positive, welcoming, helpful attitude.
All of those suggest that Quasímodo would likely make a good moderator on the site.
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