Comments on sensors to histogram
sensors to histogram
I would want to...
... turn my sensors
output into a live histogram.
How to? Any available script already written? (✿◠‿◠)
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gmcgath, i understand this as you finding that particular user name . .
not ridiculous
However, I sincerely doubt that the user behind that user name would find that name not ridiculous. They certainly have reasons for choosing such a user name (whether them being sincere reasons or "it being funny" reasons), and i have a very very hard time believing that the ridiculousness of that name was not an integral part of the reasons that the user chose this particular name. Just take a look at that thing :-) But that's just me
You are of course free to believe otherwise, that that user would see their user name as anything but ridiculous and would take offense calling it as such. I don't have a problem with whatever belief you are holding or you telling me about your beliefs, but i admit i don't understand how you could possibly expect from anyone (including the user themselves) to not see that name as being ridiculous. So, lets move on
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1 comment thread