Posts by Quasímodo
Bash Here Bash's associative arrays come handy. The idea is to put every argument as a key in a separate array, and then only process arguments that are not keys to that array. #!/bin/bash decla...
It is incorrect for two reasons. 1. File names containing glob characters This is an edge case scenario. Consider this structure: . ├── abc ├── abc.part ├── cde └── c*e.part The outermos...
The Debian Administrator's Handbook: The Inner Workings of the Debian Project: Documentation for each package is stored in /usr/share/doc/package/. (...) The copyright file includes information ...
Since the Pause key is useless, I tried to map it to a modifier key. What is straightforward for other keys turned out not to work fine for Pause. By inspecting the output of xev -event keyboard |...
From Wikipedia: Break key: The Pause key is different from all other keys in that it sends no scancodes at all on release in PS/2 modes 1 or 2, so it is impossible to determine whether this key ...
Python's interactive interpreter uses GNU Readline, so Bash's line interpreter, not Zle, which is Zsh's. Therefore, when you enter python, the cursor either won't change or will change accordingly...
If snap-store itself is preventing the update, it's straightforward: snap-store --quit sudo snap refresh snap-store But sometimes it might be something else, in which case the above solution w...
For most users, in $HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks. Otherwise, if you set the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable (which you can inspect with env), in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-3.0/bookmarks. From the...
Less does not display data files normally, but if it were some sort of Xxd. $ bash --norc $ export LESS= $ file -i /var/log/lastlog /var/log/lastlog: application/octet-stream; charset=binary $...
The reason why you don't find this in man ls is that the GNU project (that developed Coreutils) usually provides the complete documentation of its components not in classic manual pages, but in so ...
An article in the GTK blog explains the situation very well, but here is my go at it. In my keyboard layout, accents are handled as dead keys, so to insert "ë", first I type ¨ and then e. Nothing ...
This is originally Ibus' (an input method) behavior. It provides some facilities to extend the basic "input by typing". Examples: Ctrl+Shift+U for hex Unicode input. Ctrl+. for emoji selector. ...
If a Debian bug number is referenced in the changelog of an uploaded package, it is automatically closed with a generic message: We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest versi...
To increase the activity of the site (one of the main concerns related to making Codidact grow), I suggested merging Linux Systems with Power Users on Meta. Do you agree or disagree with merging?
You can find a list of options in man xkeyboard-config. Under the section "key to choose the 3rd level" is the one you are after: lv3:ralt_switch_multikey Right Alt; Shift+Right Alt as Compo...
Specific answer: Use gvim -f. General answer: Use the non-forking mode of your editor, i.e. if you run it in a terminal, it should wait until the editor is closed to return back control to you. E...
POSIX defines Text file as A file that contains characters organized into zero or more lines. The lines do not contain NUL characters and none can exceed {LINE_MAX} bytes in length, inclu...
In Debian-based distributions, one can update the system with apt upgrade and cleanup unused dependencies with apt autoremove. Period. On Gentoo that is apparently not as straightforward. From G...
I have upgraded Xubuntu from 20.04 to 22.04 and my compose key, which defaulted to Shift + AltGr, was disabled. It is no longer available in the keyboard settings GUI either. How can I set the com...
The special Fn keys typically trigger ACPI events, for which the ACPI daemon can trigger actions. Install ACPI daemon (apt install acpid) and make sure it is started and enabled. If it isn't, sy...
I am running Debian stretch on a Lenovo laptop with only a window manager (i.e. no desktop). Out of the box, this configuration of Debian ignores the keys with special Fn functions, such as volum...
Each file descriptor can only point to a single file. File descriptors can be duplicated such that both point to a single file, but a file descriptor cannot point to two files. Hence, you have ...
I have some old X11 applications complain that they cannot find a ISO8859-2 font. So I executed grep -r 8859-2 /usr/share/fonts/ and, to my surprise, found many matches, for example ==> /us...
I just want to "zoom in/out" in the text console, is there a straightforward command to do that? I have found various sources (1, 2, 3) that either suggest permanent changes (e.g. modifying config...
I routinely use MPV for that. mpv --profile=low-latency --untimed av://v4l2:/dev/video0 You may need to try other devices, as listed by ls /dev/video*. Thanks to Canina for suggesting the two ...