In i3, is there a way to move an entire workspace to another monitor, including all windows it contains?
When hardening my system with Lynis I had information about /etc/issue and /etc/ being found weak. Lynis redirects me to Enterprise, which is a paid product and a bit overkill for my home...
I have multiple screens and I often connect and disconnect monitors while the system is running. i3 assigns a workspace to each monitor, but does so unpredictably. Sometimes my main monitor is work...
It turns out, that Lynis test code lives in /usr/share/lynis/include/test_banners which gave me a way to find what banner is considered good. :-) In my case, it's to have 5 or more specific keyword...
Let's say I have workspaces 1, 2, 3 on screen A and 4, 5 on screen B. Currently workspaces 1 and 4 are active. With my current config, moving a window to another workspace never activates it. How...
Both replies, at different points, provided the basis for this working script. Assuming that the 12th line of file has something like: <p>HERE IS MY TITLE</p> where HERE... begi...
I have multiple screens and I often connect and disconnect monitors while the system is running. i3 assigns a workspace to each monitor, but does so unpredictably. Both workspaces are highlighted a...
Using For the console: /etc/vconsole.conf ---- KEYMAP=dvorak For X Session: .xinitrc ---- setxkbmap -layout us -variant dvorak & Problem For the console, it applies the dvorak lay...
A little while ago I was helping someone with running Python in a virtual environment, as root, for some specific purpose. I determined easily enough that this requires explicitly specifying the pa...
I want to generate a list of trending Arch/AUR packages that focuses on user-facing applications rather than background libraries and dependencies. I wrote a script that uses the data from pkgstat...
When you first connect to a host, ssh asks you about saving its fingerprint. If you do, on subsequent connections it will check the fingerprint and refuse to connect if it changed. I get that this...
I compressed some JPEGs with curtail it messed up the filenames. It was supposed to only add -min at the end but ended up adding a random string after the extension 😠: prs@PC:/DOWNLOADS/Pictures$ ...
find . -type f -print0 \ | grep -z -- '-min.jpg-[[:alnum:]]*$' \ | while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do find "$f" -print0 \ | sed -z 's/-min.jpg-[[:alnum:]]*$/-min.jpg/' \ | xargs -0 mv ...
Suppose I have a PDF which is 2x3 in. I want to create a PDF with a single page, which has multiple copies of this. For example, if the small pieces are in landscape, and the large page is in portr...
How to open a port when using firewalld as the system firewall?
Why does XDG_DATA_HOME default to ~/.local/share? Why not something less cryptic, like ~/.data? Why did they decide use that path?
I recently updated Gnome to 1:44.0 and since the update my dark mode settings seem to be ignored for Gnome applications. When setting the dark style in Settings > Appearance, the desktop backgr...
I installed the Nvidia container toolkit so I can use GPU acceleration in Docker containers. However, I can't get the containers to work: $ sudo docker run --runtime=nvidia nvidia/cuda:12.2.0-base...
The existing answer is good, but I'll add a short version. man FOO is the most reliable way. A large majority of programs have a man page, and a large majority of man pages cover all aspects of ...
Cisco's OpenDNS (nothing to do with open source) has this magic domain which resolves to your own public IP address when looked up with standard DNS tools. For example with dog (o...
In case Ipify stops being free: will show you your IP. I don't know if they have an API, but it's easy to parse the HTML: https | rg '\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+' -...
Problem How do I find product and vendor names for use with a xorg.conf file? Neither the xorg.conf nor the xinput manuals specify how to do this. xinput lists info, but the output lacks column ...
Some pacman functions require sudo. When I forget the sudo, you get: error: you cannot perform this operation unless you are root. I then have to press the keys: up, home, s, u, d, o, space, en...
Piper can be used for this. All mice supported by Piper (actually libratbag) are a result of the community reverse engineering the mouse protocol. It will not support all mice, but only selected on...
One way is to use grep: $ grep --count ^ /path/to/the/file The ^ character matches a start of a new line, so it basically counts the number of starting lines.