A lot of games are made for Windows, and don't have an official Linux version. Can you play these on Linux? Asking specifically about games, not all programs, because games have a lot of additiona...
You can use the pre-commit hook for this. Example .git/hooks/pre-commit: #!/usr/bin/bash git fetch if [ $(git status -sb |grep -c behind) -gt 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: local repo is beh...
Super+comma and Super+period were mapped as emoji annotations. Run ibus-setup, go to the emoji tab, delete the bindings. Thanks to this SO post.
I won’t repeat the points mentioned in Ordoviz’s answer, but there’s another important aspect which is often forgotten: when you pipe a script to a shell (or pass it as an argument to -c), whatever...
You can use openssl to get the information. It is usually installed by default in every distribution. $ openssl s_client -connect -showcerts </dev/null | openssl x509 -text de...
By memory If you installed Linux yourself, then you were almost certainly informed about this at some point in the process. Generally, you're either expected to choose a separate installer accordi...
Login screen Check your login screen. Login Managers often give an option to select between different desktop environments. The last used entry is usually highlighted. It is possible that your ...
ip a command will conveniently show the addresses assigned to your network interfaces, but oftentimes this is not what the internet sees your machine as. So how to find your public IP address from...
How can I remap buttons on my mouse, especially for more exotic ones like MMO mice?
Init is starting all other processes. It's first process started by kernel. After that init uses init scripts to start all other needed functionality to boot up system, like mounting volumes, daem...
How to get the number of lines in a file? I.e. for a file like this: Line one Line 2 Final line I would like to do something like this: $ count-lines /path/to/the/file/above 3
For reasons of my own, I have services on my LAN which use HTTPS and I create my own certificates for these. Over the years, the usage of TLS has evolved considerably. Many features that were once...
I want to connect to my university network via OpenVPN under Fedora GNOME. I imported the openvpn configuration provided by the university in the Network Manager GUI and specified the user certifi...
xmllint from xmllib2 can do this: $ output-dirty-xml | xmllint --format - The dash in the end tells xmllint to read from stdin instead of a file. Source: manpage
I've been learning some Linux and I finally feel like I can find my way around the command line. But now I hear people say there are other, "non-POSIX" kinds of shell, with different semantics. Wha...
You want shuf. shuf -n1 -i 534-876874
In gpg(1), one normally adds recipients of an encrypted message with --recipient. Those recipients will be able to decrypt the message, and their key ID will appear unencrypted, so anyone will kno...
Motivating example: my Mint 20.3 distribution offers long-term support until April 2025, which matches the "standard support" offered for the upstream Ubuntu (20.04 "Jammy Jellyfish"). However, the...
When an upstream project stops supporting a version (e.g., Python stops supporting 3.8), the maintainers of the distribution do the job of supporting those components, applying security patches as ...
How to convert a json file to yaml? Technically json is already valid yaml, but I'm talking about the characteristic easy-to-read yaml formatting with indentation and minimal quotes.
I saw another post recommend using Fedora if you want cutting edge features. Is Fedora really a "cutting edge" distro? I am not very familiar with Fedora, I know it's a community counterpart to R...
The local port range on my Arch Linux installation is 32768-60999 according to cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range Wikipedia states that this range is "used by many Linux kernels" and th...
No need to search for a key ID. Just type the e-mail associated with your key and export your public key like this: $ gpg --export -a > my_key.asc
On Debian, the package manager can tell the versions of the installed software. Let's say we want to know the version of mbsync(1). Quoting a comment by @matthewsnyder, this is a 3 step process: ...
On a modern Linux system, what happens if you attempt to hibernate when your swap is smaller than your RAM? For example, say RAM is 16 GB and swap is 8 GB.